This is a review of Notion, which started out as a hot tool in Silicon Valley, but is now pretty much the most famous of the writing tools. Nowadays, there are also expensive plans with Notion AI, but I don't know how they perform.
A review of the Post-it app. It's a great app that allows you to capture actual Post-it notes, and its text recognition works quite well, making it usable both online and offline!
This is a review of the note-taking app, Milanote. The concept of a whiteboard is quite refreshing for a note-taking app, and it works fairly well on desktop. However, on smartphones, especially on the iPad, it was a very disappointing app as it doesn't even support Korean input.
Nimbus Note review! Overall, users may feel that Nimbus Note is a combination of Evernote and Notion, but it is quite disappointing that its distinctiveness is significantly diminished on mobile.