Rank Math

Rank Math Review. One of the most popular WordPress SEO Plugin(2022 updated)

This is review of Rank Math, One of the most popular Wordpress SEO Plugin. Although it is a latecomer, it has already become the most used WordPress plugin. It has many features and is updated frequently, so I like it.
Rank Math

Rank Math

Rank Math 리뷰. 가장 인기있는 SEO 플러그인

WordPress is the most popular CMS, so there is an enormous market of WordPress Theme or Plugins. WordPress is an open source, and once the open source comes up, it is so hugely popular. That’s why there are so many types of plugins in WordPress, and among them, there is the most popular SEO(Social Engine Optimization) plugin calledYoast SEO, which helps Google search your Website or blog well. However, there are many rivals, and representative examples include All in one SEO.

또 플러그인 뿐 아니라 구글 크롬 확장 등 각종 프로그램들이나 웹서비스들도 많습니다. 그 중에서 제가 지금 리뷰할 SEO 플러그인은 바로 Rank Math라는 플러그인입니다. 제가 이 플러그인을 처음 사용할 당시 몇 달간 페이스북 페이지 회원들을 대상으로 테스트를 해서 출시했었습니다. 제가 처음 이 리뷰 글을 적을 시절에는 워드프레스 SEO 플러그인의 신성 정도였지만 지금은 명실상부 가장 인기있는 SEO 플러그인, 아니 워드프레스 모든 플러그인 중 가장 인기있는 플러그인들 중 하나로서 위에서 얘기한 두 플러그인과 비슷한 수준의 인기를 얻고 있습니다.

Table of Contents

Rank Math
This Is The First Screen For Plugin Settings
Rank Math
My Score Didn’T Go Up At All. I Feel Sad ㅠㅠ

Rank Math는 무료 버전으로도 기능들이 매우 다양합니다.

First, Rank Math can specify up to five keywords when you write. It is an excellent feature because we can check various related keywords, but it checks the score by the main keyword, so I don’t think it’s such an exceptional function too. But It is better than nothing.

And I like the function of analyzing the overall SEO score of my site now, but it’s unfortunate that it’s difficult to act unless you can fix the site to some extent. For example, it says my blog has 70 scores now, but I can’t fix its problems. I have no skill…

And I like its redirection function too. It is the most famous one of the redirection plugins, but it made my site quite slow. I don’t know about it now. I don’t think Rank Math makes my site slow. It’s often mentioned that the plugin size has been reduced periodically when it’s updated. And it has 404 monitor features. I don’t use it, but someone may use it very well.

There is also a function that sets the schema. Honestly, this part is a little difficult for me, so I’m not using it now. If I explain as I understand when I search for something on Google, photos or lists and so on sometimes appear on the first page, not just search results of website or webpage, and these are said to have been caused by modifying Scheme. It is important not to just change it, but to set it appropriately for the actual article, of course.

There is also the ability to mail the site’s SEO status by mail… but I have not yet received the e-mail. I have inquired; however, I do not know if it will be fixed well.

Rank Math is well-matched with the block editor

Rank Math has good basic functions as a WordPress SEO plugin. First of all, the interface goes well with the block editor. There is all the basic information on the right side of the screen, so it’s good to write. When I first drafted this article, there is no block editor, so there were plugin interfaces at the bottom of the screen, but now it’s better because it’s on the right side.

In addition, they are appealing a lot on the official website that they have a lot of functions, and honestly, I can’t erase the feeling that they are saying every little thing. It is also true that it certainly has a lot of functions and can detail the settings.

The options are quite detailed.

For example, Rank Math has more options than the Yoast SEO I used in the past. For example, I had a lot of concerns because my blog posts and thumbnail photos kept not coming out on Naver (the most famous search engine in Korea) search. After using Yoast SEO for several months, the thumbnail suddenly came out one day, and when I asked for help in Rank Math, I touched it up a bit and fixed it right away.

You may think that the development team has done something special. However, the developers didn’t do anything with programming, they just modified the options a little. Yoast SEO doesn’t have as many things as you think. Of course, this part also means that the plugin takes care of most of them, so it doesn’t just mean anything bad. For example, most countries use Google, so the thumbnail problem mentioned above is not that big of a problem. However, it may be better to have these options in detail. If you need to touch other settings like Korea,

It has good support too.

Rank Math has a nice support team too. This is another key factor when using the WordPress plugin. Because WordPress is an open source, when I use some plugin, and everyone else is doing it without problems, there are many cases where it doesn’t work well only for me… In these cases, some services are too late or too cool. So, I personally like plug-ins that are good at supporting, and Rank Math is also pretty good in this area.

Some plugins support only when using paid versions, and this Rank Math also solves problems to some extent in the free version too.

Rank Math는 프로 버전 사용시 여러 기능들이 추가됩니다

Rank Math는 앞서 설명했듯 SEO 플러그인으로서의 기본적인 기능도 많지만 유료 버전으로 Rank Math Pro 사용 시 더더욱 기능들이 많습니다. 자세한 내용은 위의 링크를 참고하시면 좋습니다. 그래도 지금 간단하게 언급하면 구글 애널리틱스의 수치를 확인할 수 있는 기능, Scheme를 수정할 수 있는 기능과 Content AI라고 해서 기존의 블로그 점수 외에 AI가 조금 더 세세하게 글의 상태를 파악해주는 기능이 추가되었습니다.

However, what’s a little disappointing is that the function is still unstable. For example, it shows popular keywords by Google Search Console well, but Google AdSense doesn’t appear. These things happened often. It’s coming up well right now, but I don’t know it works well later.

Rank Math

Rank Math recognizes Korean well, but there are many regrets too.

When I first wrote this article’s review, I wrote that it was very good because it recognized Korean well. In the past, when I used Yoast SEO, this plugin had a problem with Korean grammar. For example, the suffix after my keyword like was recognized as part of the keyword, so it decimated my SEO score so much. I don’t know if it’s been corrected now, but it was a problem.

It’s not too much for basic use, but…

Rank Math didn’t have the above phenomenon, so I wrote it down with great praise. However, Rank Math does not recognize Korean in keyword analysis. In fact, there are not so many platforms that care about Korean. Among the services I’ve actually used, there will be about Ubersuggest. However, it is a pity that Rank Math can’t recognize Korean in keyword-related parts, even though there is South Korea in the keyword analysis. I hope that this part will be improved, but I do not know developers will fix it or not. Because there are less than 0.6% of users who speak Korean according to this site. As far as I remember, Korean users account for about 0.2%.

Rank Math
Now, Compared To The Picture Above, The Interface And Other Parts Have Improved.

Rank Math has some drawbacks.

There is no perfect plugin, and Rank Math too. Typical drawbacks are the things related to Korean mentioned earlier, and it doesn’t sometimes reflect Google service well like a bug.

In addition to this, when using the Table of Contents plugin, it doesn’t sometimes reflect its plugin well too. Of course, if you refer to the plugin site, there is a solution. But in this case, it says there is a table of contents even if there is no table of contents in reality… but you will definitely set up it anyway, so it may not be such a big problem.

Another problem I felt while writing this article is that Rank Math can’t recognize the links created by the plugin called Thirstyaffiles which I use nowadays. It can’t recognize the blocks made in the site builder plugin called Oxygen too. But Oxygen has an unusual structure … maybe thirstyaffiliates too?

You don’t have to be too obsessed with SEO scores.

But in fact, you need to keep in mind that the score in this plug-in is not an absolute figure. Rank Math’s score is to understand how appropriately it is with the keywords in the article, and it is not Google itself, so Google will decide how it really reflects.

I think it’s appropriate to score seventy points. When you use the plugin, if you put the right keyword in the URL, put it in the middle of the article, the picture, and the header such as h1, h2, then you will get at least 75 scores.

This part is almost essential for blogging, so if you do basic things, it’s actually over 70 points, and if you add some links, it’s over 80 points. For reference, the score of this article is 95 points now. However, no matter how high the score is, WordPress has few users in Korea. In the future, we need to translate this article and check it again.

이것 외에 제 경우에 SEO 점수 100점의 가장 큰 장벽은 링크를 넣을 때 nofollow, dofollow링크 숫자를 적절하게 넣어주는 것인데, 나름 관련 글들도 좀 봤었고 저는 잘 해줬다고 생각하는데… 제가 링크를 넣을 때 어째 링크가 nofollow만 있다 이런 식으로 뜨더라고요. 일단 제가 더 공부 및 테스트를 해볼 문제일 듯합니다. 점수에 매달릴 필요는 없다지만 그래도 100점이 마렵긴 합니다.

Rank Math is already famous, but I’m looking forward to it even more.

When I first wrote this, I wrote that this Rank Math is an SEO plugin that I look forward to. It hasn’t been long since it came out, but there are already a lot of fans, so the ratings are very good. I wrote it down like this. But as I mentioned at the beginning of the article, it has already become a plugin that over one million sites use in WordPress. There are not so many plug-ins that have achieved an active site of 1 million +.

It’s a plug-in that has a lot of updates because it doesn’t lose its initials until now, and the updates are quite good. So, the more you use it, the more satisfied you are. Of course, Yoast SEO has still a lot more users, but it becomes a proud rival. It needs rivals to become advanced plugins… I hope Rank Math will be better and better plugins in the future.

I wrote a review of this plug-in, and the most basic process in using WordPress is WordPress google search registration. Also, it may be better to read the SEO for WordPress beginners as a reference.

Rank Math summary

Good point

  1. The overall function is good.
  2. There are many things you can do with a free version.
  3. The updates are frequent and the contents are good.

Bad point

  1. Sometimes it’s not compatible with some plugins.
  2. There are parts that are lacking in terms of Korean.
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