Google Task

Google task review. It is simple but a good app to use with Google Calendar!

This is a Google Task review. It used to be an app with no features and just simple, but over time it has become somewhat better because it is well integrated with Google.
Google Task

Google task

Google task review. It used to be just a simple app.

Google has many services and there is also a to-do app. I will continue to mention it in the middle of the text, but in the past, it was a simple app that was only well-integrated with Google and was not up to standard. However, recently, it has become a pretty good app with some essential features added while still being simple. Of course, you can’t use it alone… It’s an app that you almost always have to use with Google Calendar. However, if you think you use both depending on the purpose in the first place, it may be the best. This is a Google Task review. Play Store Link, App Store Link.

Table of Contents

Google Task
Google Task Review. It Is Simple But A Good App To Use With Google Calendar! 1

Google Tasks used to be just plain simple.

It’s an app that seems to have no other features than adding tasks.

In fact, I didn’t like Google Tasks in the past. Because the app was too simple, even though it was simple. Since the only feature is really just ‘adding tasks’, people who like simple apps might like it, but others don’t. So I thought it was really just a Google-integrated tool… But these days, some essential features have been added.

Of course, the app’s features themselves haven’t increased significantly. In particular, it is impossible to compare with apps such as Todoist or Microsoft To Do. However, while it used to be at the level of just adding tasks, now it’s possible to repeat tasks and specify detailed tasks. As you can see in the screenshot below, there were no additional lists or anything like that before, but now it is possible to add lists to some extent. Of course, these things are not great changes in themselves, but the synergy when used with Google Calendar is really strong.

Google Tasks Ipad
On The Ipad, The Screen Seems To Leave A Lot… Personally, I Wonder If It Would Be Better To Have Some Margin On The Outside Of The Screen Instead…
Google Tasks Ipad 2 (Default List)
Surprisingly, Back In The Day, Most Of These Screenshots Were Missing Features…

Google Tasks is most effective when used in conjunction with Google Calendar.

Google services are well integrated with each other, as expected.

I praised the app in the previous paragraph, but I am still disappointed with its performance on its own. However, it seems that the reason is to use it with Google Calendar. In fact, I consider the task function in Google Calendar is delegated to Google Tasks. That’s why the interface in Google Tasks is so simple that it’s too much.

In fact, it is possible to add tasks to Google Calendar even without using Tasks at all. In that case, Google Tasks will be executed and tasks will be added. I don’t know what happens if Tasks is not installed. Also, on the desktop, you can use Google Keep and Google Tasks elements by pasting them into the calendar in a Google-specific interface.

Personally, I think it’s a shame that most task apps can only set dates generally, such as “every two weeks” or “every month,” but cannot set dates in a more specific way, such as “the 20th of every month” or “the third Wednesday of every month. However, calendar apps like Google Calendar and Outlook can all set dates in a very detailed way. Google Tasks can set dates in a very detailed way, probably because it is an app that came out of Google Calendar. There were also some minor advantages.

It is a good app that is free, simple, and detailed.

However, it still feels like a part of Google Calendar…

Google’s services tend to be very slow to add features, so I actually didn’t expect this to change. To be honest, I don’t know how much more the function will improve in the future at this stage. Google does not release its technology development roadmap like Microsoft. Still, I think it’s enough to use it now, so I’m personally quite satisfied.

I’m still looking for a to-do app and I’m trying to use it a lot, but I still haven’t found one that I’m perfectly happy with. This app is simple to use on its own, but we can use it in more detail with Calendar. Microsoft To-Do is much better on its own, but it’s much more inconvenient to use with Outlook. In this part, Google Tasks seems to be better.

But still, honestly, I wish there were more features than now. So far, it still looks like just an accessory to Google Calendar. The interface just feels too insincere to use alone. It seems to have the basic functions, and the position between the apps is also well-established, so if it is refined so that it can be used independently, it will be a much better app.

Google Tasks Conclusion

Good point

  1. free
  2. The synergy between Google Calendar and Google Tasks is the best.
  3. Contains only the features you really need

Disappointing point

  1. It’s still a pity to use it alone.
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