
Everyday Habit Tracker Review! A ‘simple’ habit app, in a good and a bad way.

This is a review of a habit app called Everyday Habit Tracker. It's a simple but surefire way to help you stay in the habit. If people don't do it at first, but then they keep doing it, they get hooked and keep doing it.

Everyday 습관 추적기 리뷰. 단순하지만 확실한 방법을 사용하는 습관 앱.

I used to use a lot of to-do or habit apps. Among these habit apps, almost all of them had one fatal flaw, which is that no matter how well you set it up in the app, if you don’t do it, it doesn’t matter… Of course, app developers are not stupid, so they have come up with their own solutions. habiticawhere the concept is to grow your own avatar, so if you don’t do what you’re supposed to do, your character will lose health. But this app is a simple, and perhaps the most obvious, way to keep you on track. Everyday. App Store link, Google Play link

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Everyday Habit Tracker Review! A 'Simple' Habit App, In A Good And A Bad Way. 1

점점 길어지고 색이 진해지는 그래프를 보면서 스스로 미련이 생기게 됩니다.

처음에는 좀 뜸하게 하다가도 소위 말하는 삘(?)이 붙는 순간 아까워서 계속 하게 됩니다.

Everyday is a very simple app in the way it works. You set up a habit, and check it off when you do it on a certain day (preferably every day). And that’s it… It’s really simple, but it works. Because as the graphs get longer and longer, and the colors get darker and darker, it’s tempting to try to maintain them on your own. And then as those days get longer and longer, it really becomes a habit, and you’re usually doing it at a certain time, so naturally you’re going to do it at that time.

Everyday는 습관 체크 외의 기능은 사실상 없습니다.

개인적으로는 아쉽긴 한데 이는 장단점이 둘 다 있습니다.

At the bottom of the app, there are four tabs: the first is Habit Settings, the second is Overall Stats, the third is Articles to help you create habits, and the fourth is Options. In effect, it does very little other than check your habits. However, there are both pros and cons to this. If your app has a lot of features, that’s a good thing. But on the other hand, the app is very simple, so you won’t get confused while using it. It’s really just a matter of setting up a habit, doing the thing, and then entering the habit.

단순함도 기능인 것은 좋지만 그 단순함을 지키면서도 기능이 얼마든지 개선될 수 있는데… 이런 부분은 아쉽습니다.

Personally, I think this is simplistic in a good way, so I don’t think it’s a bad thing. However, there are plenty of things that can be improved upon while keeping it simple, and I think this app has a lot of room to grow in that regard.

대표적으로 이 앱은 색깔 그래프가 쭈욱 이어지는 것이 핵심인데, 그러면 색이 좀 더 다양해야되지 않나 싶습니다. todoist 등 대부분 할일 앱들은 ‘테마’ 색이 기본적으로도 많고, 또 유료 버전 전용 테마도 있습니다. 하지만 기본적으로 다른 앱들은 테마가 다양해도 ‘뭐 그냥 내가 좋아하는 색으로 설정하자’ 정도의 의미만 갖는 반면, 이 앱은 색깔 그래프가 핵심인 앱임에도 불구하고 색이 부족하다는 것은 솔직히 아쉽습니다. 무료 버전은 습관을 2~3개 설정 가능하고, 유료 버전은 색 제한이 없는데요, 유료 버전을 사용하실 정도면 습관을 많이 추가할텐데요, 그러면 그 습관들을 감당할 만한 색은 있어야되지 않나 싶습니다. 그렇게라도 안된다면 한글이나 엑셀처럼 색 주르륵 놓고 하나 클릭하기 이렇게라도 해야 되는거 아닐까 싶습니다. 혹은 숫자 코드를 입력하면 커스텀 색을 추가한다거나 할 수도 있겠습니다.

Everyday의 가성비는 꽤 괜찮은 편입니다.

다만 이 앱이 결제할 가치가 있나라는 생각도 줘서 조금은 아쉽기도…

Everyday has Lifetime, which is nice, but the habit apps, the to-do apps, at least the popular ones, are all annual payments. I’m not sure when this app will change its pricing, but it’s not that popular yet, so it’s still a good value. However, there’s one aspect of the app that makes me think, “Is this app really special enough to pay for?”. While I didn’t immediately think of this app as an iconic example, it’s fair to say that any app that offers to-do and habit stats does something similar. On top of that, other apps have their own features, so it’s not like they’re super-compatible with this app. However, this everyday is solely focused on checking your daily habits, which makes it a “simple” app in both a good and bad way. So even though it’s a great value, I think it also makes you think, “Do I really need to pay for this app?

습관을 유지하는 방법은 다양하지만 가장 확실한 방법 중 하나입니다.

Actually, this app is not the truth. As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, every habit app has its own way of keeping track of your habits, and they all do it because they think it’s the best way to keep track of your habits and productivity. They use this methodology because they believe it’s the best way to maintain their habits.

I’ve tried a lot of to-do apps myself, and I’ve often wondered how to make them work for me. Then, after using Duolingofor over a year straight, I realized that the app’s methodology of “stumbling into a habit and then continuing it because you don’t want to miss it” worked for me. Of course, if you can do it simply by saying “just do it”, that would be the best. But that doesn’t work, so… So we find a way. I think it’s best to try different apps and see what works for you. I’m going to try to incorporate more of these habits into my routine.

Everyday 정리

좋은 점

  1. You’re using a simple but surefire method.
  2. The price/performance ratio isn’t bad.

아쉬운 점

  1. It’s so simple in a bad way that you think, “This is it?”…
  2. The colors are a bit simple for an app that’s all about looks.
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